A Moment Captured by Walter Levy, 2022

Recently retired from a rewarding and challenging university teaching career, I am pursuing photography to help find meaning and purpose as I set off on this life new life journey, one that’s opening my eyes to unique and creative ways to express myself.. 

Photography, as an expressive art form, is the act of “making” a photograph rather than just “taking” a photograph. Photographic art, I am learning, is all about the art of “seeing” and creatively capturing light as it falls around you.

As an extravert with a deep curiosity about the human condition, I find myself particularly drawn to street photography, where I’m capturing everyday life in public spaces. It is predominately monochromatic, created by stripping away the distraction of color, to emphasize the dramatic, expressive, emotive qualities of the human experience.

Rather than documenting the world, I’m working to capture the rich tapestry of emotions expressed in everyday life. I want my images to tell stories of universal human experiences.

As master photographer Elliott Erwitt said, “Color is descriptive. Black and White is interpretive.”

Also, while I’m out exploring and capturing such special moments, I’m engaging in conversations that enrich and stimulate my mind – not to mention warm my heart.

My hope is that my images will also touch you in some way. Perhaps stir an emotion. Or touch your heart.  

~Sandy Nichols

Random Self-Portraits

For a photo assignment.

A Proud Moment - Raising $$ for a very good cause.

So nervious! So much fun!